
Spinal Manipulative Therapy/Chiropractic ADjustments

A combination of both high-intensity and low-intensity techniques to address restricted spinal segments both specifically and globally to influence body positioning and relieve of pain. Commonly addressed conditions include neck pain, whiplash, disc herniations, low back pain, and more.

Trained techniques include:

  • Diversified manual adjusting

  • Flexion-distraction

  • Drop-table adjusting

  • Spring-loaded instrumentation

  • Spinal occipital technique blocking


Extremity Manipulative Therapy/Chiropractic Extremity Adjustments

Utilizing mobilizations across the graded scale, appropriate manipulative interventions are employed to quickly assess extremity joint function to restore proper mobility and usage. Common conditions include elbow pain, ankle restriction, etc.

Trained techniques include:

  • Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner Designate per the Council of Extremity Adjusting

  • Advanced extremity low-force drop technique


Specific Exercise Selection

After assessing each patient’s common activities, whether it be picking up their youngest child from a crib or overhead snatching twice their body weight, individualized pre/rehabilitation plans are formulated to best support respective treatment courses.

Rehabilitative phases include:

  • Mobility phase - After passive therapies improve joint range of motion, patients are instructed on safe and functional techniques to maintain movement at home.

  • Stability phase - With this newfound movement, patients are directed on a combination of concentric and eccentric exercises to improve joint control and body awareness.

  • Utilization phase - Once range of motion and joint control has been established, a series of accessory exercises are prescribed to “use” the progress that has been made.


IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization)

Deriving from the Traditional Chinese Medicinal method of Gua Sha, IASTM is allows for quick assessment and treatment of soft tissue dysfunctions. It is a non-invasive, low-force intervention that can be catered to each individual’s needs.

IASTM addresses muscular tension and fascial restriction. It is commonly used for cases of neck pain, tendonitis, and shin splints.


Kinesiotape (K-Tape, KT-Tape, Rocktape)

Kinesiotape is a flexible tape that facilitates the body’s natural healing process by augmenting local pain response, increasing lymphatic drainage, decreasing excessive swelling, and promoting movement patterns through mechanoreceptor stimulation. Conditions such as bruises, post-surgical swelling, ankle rehabilitation, pregnancy associated back pain, and more.

Trained techniques include:

  • RockTape - Functional Movement Techniques Basic

  • RockTape - Functional Movement Techniques Performance

  • Kinesiotape per CCEP


Myofascial Release

Two of the most influential movement tissues in the body are muscle and fascia. Myofascial release addresses both tissues in conjunction by passively applying gentle pressure into the tissues while instructing the patient to actively use those tissues. Complaint commonly addressed include “text neck” neck pain, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction or clicking, muscle contracture, and more.


Muscle/Joint Flossing

Also known as “Voodoo Floss”, muscle/joint flossing is a manual technique that improves passive and active range of motion, influences fluid dynamics, mitigates pain perception, and stimulates proprioception. This intervention is commonly employed for acute swelling conditions such as ankle sprains or biceps tendonitis.

Trained techniques include:

  • RockTape - Functional Movement Techniques Floss

  • Voodoo Flass per CCEP


Passive/Active Cupping

Cupping is performed both passively and actively to decrease pain and inflammation, to promote a sense of relaxation and wellness, to influence body positioning, and to act as a general decompression tool.

Trained techniques include:

  • RockTape - Functional Movement Techniques RockPods

  • Static cupping per CCEP

  • Fluid dispersion per CCEP

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Electrical Stimulative Therapy (E-STim)

Various E-Stim options are employed to assist with muscle spasms, facilitate pain reduction, promote muscle growth, improve local blood flow, and increase joint mobility.

Trained techniques include:

  • Interferential Current (IFC)

  • High Voltage Pulsed Current (Hi Volt)

  • Microcurrent

  • Premodulated Current

  • Combination

  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)


Percussion/Vibration Therapy

Various percussion/vibration therapy tools are utilized to quickly relieve muscle tension, soft tissue restriction, and muscle soreness. These tools are choice for addressing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), muscular spasms, and etc.