1 Year Raffle

A year ago around this time, I was finishing up chiropractic school, still living in the Bay Area, and hadn’t plugged back in to my community here in San Diego. A year ago I had a house waiting for me to move into, a practice lined up to join, and connections waiting to be made. A year ago there was  so much uncertainty, so much opportunity, and so much anxiety… 

To keep it short, this year has been a whirlwind of events - starting my own practice, coaching at my alma mater, supporting my old rugby club, and taking advantage of any and all opportunities made available to me. On top of that, the world was thrusted into a pandemic and every variable that I worried about seemed suddenly less significant. If there’s anything that this year has taught me, it has been that life goes on in any circumstance, but sometimes you have to sit back and be thankful for the relationships that give life meaning. If you’re familiar with my practice, you know how much I value healthy relationships.

 To celebrate the one year “birthday” of my graduation and the beginning of my practice, I wanted to put something special together, so with that in mind I am very excited to announce a thrilling event that I hope everyone will enjoy! Through the month of September, I will be hosting a raffle for anyone to participate in. There will be a variety of prizes available in a series of three tiers that will include mobility or training tools, as well as some gifts from locally owned businesses to help spread awareness and support for various industries in San Diego. 

There will be no cost  to enter the raffle. Rather, tickets will be earned based on participation. Just like how I encourage my patients to empower themselves, my goal is to put the means in your hands to win raffle items. There will be more details to come as we get closer to September, so keep an eye out, stay cool, and enjoy the rest of your week!