5 Conditions You Should See a Chiropractor For


We hear it from time to time whenever someone mentions back pain someone else responds with, “Oh! you should go see a chiropractor!” That’s the common conception surrounding chiropractors - that all we do is fix backs. Today, we’ll be diving into common conditions that chiropractors treat and how it’s more than just “back-breaking” work. 

As highly skilled healthcare practitioners, chiropractors aim to find the underlying cause of what’s hurting you and the most common reason people seek out a chiropractor is back pain. Back pain can come from a variety of conditions that can result from everyday wear and tear of your muscles - improper movement of spinal joints, herniated discs, and even stress. These underlying components are what chiropractors treat to help you feel better in the long term. Other times, though, it’s not just a matter of back pain, so let’s delve a little deeper. 

Back pain is a common occurrence that can come about from inactivity, incorrect exercise form, trauma, and more.

Back pain is a common occurrence that can come about from inactivity, incorrect exercise form, trauma, and more.


Ever suffer from migraines or neck pain? These types of conditions can sometimes arise from stress and anxiety, improper sleep posture, daily posture, or even just looking down at your phone! Most people experience these symptoms at some point in their lives, but unfortunately for some these symptoms happen daily. Chiropractors can treat these conditions through passive interventions like spinal manipulation, cupping, myofascial release, and more. Coupled with active interventions like exercises and stretches, recovery is a two-way street!

Neck pain is becoming more and more common with the increased usage of cell phones, laptops, and at-home working/schooling conditions.

Neck pain is becoming more and more common with the increased usage of cell phones, laptops, and at-home working/schooling conditions.

Did you know that there are different kinds of migraines and headaches? That means there are different ways to alleviate and treat them!

Did you know that there are different kinds of migraines and headaches? That means there are different ways to alleviate and treat them!



The next condition we look at is called Fibromyalgia (FM for short). FM is widespread muscle pain and tenderness across your body that can also be accompanied by fatigue, issues sleeping, headaches, and trouble focusing. Despite the difficulties this condition presents for the patient, it is not unmanageable. Chiropractors are well equipped to help FM patients through joint adjustments, physiotherapy, nutritional advice, and lifestyle recommendations.

One of the overlooked problems that individuals often encounter is lack of flexibility. Flexibility may be thought of as something that’s eventually lost and can’t be recovered, but Chiropractors are also able to help improve your flexibility through some of the techniques that have been mentioned previously. Improved flexibility helps with everyday life and overall well being. 

Chiropractors can not cure fibromyalgia, but we can alleviate symptoms, amplify musculoskeletal performance, and improve quality of life.

Chiropractors can not cure fibromyalgia, but we can alleviate symptoms, amplify musculoskeletal performance, and improve quality of life.


Chiropractors are by no means limited to what was mentioned here. There’s a variety of conditions that we are skilled at treating that go outside the realms of joint and muscle pain. The ultimate goals of any evidence-based Chiropractor are to ensure you are educated about your condition, that your pain is reduced, and that you are given the proper methods and tools to help manage your condition independently.

That’s it for today! See you next week!