5 Stretches for At-Home Workers

Welcome back to another weekly post! This week we’re going to focus on simple care we can do for our bodies while working at home. Since the start of COVID-19, roughly 40% of Americans have had to transition into working from home, and this can sometimes mean spending more time at a desk than one normally would. Spending a lot of time sitting at your desk can start to have some negative impacts on your body, especially on your muscles. As you spend time sitting your muscles can tighten, joints can get stiff, and you might start to feel sore and uncomfortable. Luckily, there are some things we can do while sitting that can help our bodies immensely. With that, let’s take a look at five great stretches we can do from the comfort of our chairs. 

The first stretch is for our neck. The neck tends to be a place where we hold a lot of tension and can often cause headaches or migraines, so a little neck maintenance can go a long way. 

Step 1: Relax and gently lean your head forward. Breathe out slowly as you do so.

Step 2: From that position, slowly roll your head to one side until your ear sits over your shoulder. Hold your head there for about 10 seconds. 

Step 3: Repeat on the other side 

Step 4: Relax and return your head to the starting position in step 1. 

Step 5: Do this three more times 

Movements should be slow and controlled, without any jerking or torquing.

Movements should be slow and controlled, without any jerking or torquing.

Tip: For more of a stretch, place your hand on your head and gently apply pressure to pull your head when it’s resting on either side. 

The second stretch on this list is great for your shoulders and upper back. If you start to feel the sensation of cramp occur as you stretch, gently relax your body.  

Step 1: Clasp your hands together above your head with palms facing outwards

Step 2: Push your arms straight up into the air and stretch upwards. 

Step 3: Hold this pose for 10 to 30 seconds. 

Step 4: Now lean to either the left or right side with your arms still stretched outwards. Hold again for 10 to 20 seconds. 

Step 5: Repeat again on the other side. 

Try to reach higher and higher above your head with this stretch.

Try to reach higher and higher above your head with this stretch.


Tip: Breathe in and out slowly as you hold your stretched positions. 

Our third stretch is great for opening the chest and encouraging an upright posture.

Step 1: Clasp your hands behind your back, palms together. 

Step 2: Gently push your chest outward and raise your chin 

Step 3: Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds

Step 4: Repeat as desired

This is a perfect way to combat rounded shoulders with irregular posture.

This is a perfect way to combat rounded shoulders with irregular posture.

Tip: This stretch opens up the chest and allows some easier breathing so feel free to take a deep breath as you hold the stretch

Our fourth stretch focuses on our glutes, hips, and lower back

Step 1: While seated, cross your right leg over your left so that your right ankle sits right above your left knee. Make sure that the rest of your body is sitting up nice and tall. 

Step 2: Gently lean forward while keeping your body straight. You’ll start to feel a stretch in your right glute and hip. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.

Step 3: Switch legs and repeat with the left leg. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. 

An easy stretch like this can be used to relieve piriformis tightness, hip stiffness, and even sciatica.

An easy stretch like this can be used to relieve piriformis tightness, hip stiffness, and even sciatica.

Tip: To get more of a stretch, gently push down your leg that’s crossed over. 

Our last stretch addresses tight or stiff hamstrings.

Step 1: Sit at the edge of your chair and straighten your legs completely in front of you. 

Step 2: Place your hands on your legs and gently slide them down your leg as you try to touch your toes. Gently ease into a comfortable stretch. 

Step 3: Hold for 5 seconds.

Step 4: Repeat this stretch 9 more times. 

This is a top-recommended stretch for desk workers, couch potatoes, and weekend warriors!

This is a top-recommended stretch for desk workers, couch potatoes, and weekend warriors!

Tip: Breathe out as you try to reach your toes. The stretch time is also short because it’s meant to be done multiple times, trying to reach a little farther each time while still maintaining a comfortable stretch. 

Stretching should be relatively comfortable and pain free. Certain medical conditions may also prevent you from fully performing these stretches. If you think some stretches aren’t right for you, ask your chiropractor next time you’re in the office and they can make recommendations based on your needs. Remember, stretches are not a replacement for physical activity. If you’re finding yourself sitting for long periods of time, stand up and move around for quick breaks in your work!

Have a great rest of your week!